At our going away party a friend asked how I was *really* doing.  I replied “Well, I am crying at country songs.  And I know I’m not pregnant so I guess that means I’m stressed.”  I am stressed but also very excited and anxious about getting this grand adventure under way.  Two days after our going away party, we were told while our paperwork had been processed in San Francisco and it was now in Madrid waiting for authorization, stamping and then it would be mailed back to us.  So we could “get lucky” but really we need a plan B as it isn’t likely to have our paperwork by our flight on the 15th.  ARGH!  I had no idea our passports had to actually go to Madrid to be stamped and authorized.  Isn’t that what the Embassy in the U.S. does?  It derailed our frantic pace while we waited to hear if yes, we need to delay and if so for how long?  What tasks actually get done first depends a lot on when we leave.  Do I need to take the beds to storage now?  Do I start reducing the van price since it needs to go ASAP?  Or do I stand firm since I have another 20 days to sell it and in reality actually need the van to take my bed storage?  Pack the dishes and use paper only?  Or do I need to focus on touch-up paint and smaller projects since we’ll need our beds for another 20 days.  We changed the plane tickets; pushing the date out 2 weeks until September 29th.  I was so disappointed.  Even with all the stress of wrapping things up, I was ready to get to Spain.

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