Category: Uncategorized (Page 3 of 82)

The Beard

Jeff has been growing a beard for the start of the school year since 2008.  Every year he starts growing it a little earlier and earlier; usually right around my birthday in August and then shaves it between Halloween and Thanksgiving.  I hate the beard.  I really do.  I dread him growing it.  One year, I expressed my extreme displeasure of the beard only to be “informed” that he was growing it and it was his face and he knew I didn’t like it and he didn’t need to keep hearing me express my displeasure.  So I stopped saying anything…mostly.  This year he had indicated he was a little tired of it himself (unlike in other years where he kept it neatly groomed he just let it grow mountain man style this year) and maybe he would shave it before Halloween.  I shared how wonderful it would be to have a family pumpkin patch picture without the beard!  I went on to explain how every year when I’m picking Christmas card photo’s I think “if only Jeff didn’t have that beard….”  So this year, NO BEARD for our pumpkin patch picture!  YAHOO!!!






Another ER Visit….

Last Sunday, we spent 5 hours in the Emergency Room at Children’s Hospital with Scarlett.  Eariler that week, she complained her neck hurt but she would continue to play as usual and we would take her temperature frequently.  Becuase if you google neck stiffness and pain in children the first thing that pops up is Meningitis.  We watched her and she seemed fine.  I took the kids to the YMCA and Scarlett and Lavender played in the toddler childwatch area.  When I picked them up as soon as Scarlett looked at me she started holding her head and bawling.  She’d scream in pain if I touched her head or neck and had me carry her to the car.  The baby childwatch room has very little that she could fall off of…really…there is a small crawling tube and baby slide that Scarlett is taller than the slide is long.  She tearfully retold a story about a boy not letting her down the slide and she was on her butt and then slid back and hurt her head.  The description and the actual slide really didn’t match with the amount of pain she was in.  She cried on the drive home everytime I hit a bump or turned the car.  I had to carry her upstairs becuase she said her head hurt too much to walk.  We put ice on it at home and she laid on the couch.  We debated taking her in urgent care but, truthfully, we don’t much care for or trust the nearest urgent care facility and it certainly didn’t seem to deem a trip to the emergency room.  Meanwhile, we got ready for the family to attend Disney on Ice and gave her some ibuprofren.  We carried her to our seats, she sat stiff necked with a pained look on her face as she only moved her eyes to watch the Disney on Ice show.  She cried when we had to pick her up and put her in her carseat.  She cried that her neck hurt when she ate chicken nuggets.  She sat hunched over and chin tilted down.  She couldn’t lift her chin even up to a 45 degree angle.  By the time we arrived home, we decided to take her to urgent care…it was only then that I remembered that there was a Children’s Hospital Urgent Care near us but when I looked it up it was already closed so off we went to the local urgent care facility.  I thought Urgent Care.  Jeff thought ER.  We were in Urgent Care for 15 minutes when they said we really should go to Seattle Children’s Hospital as they weren’t equiped to perform the further tests that she would need.  So off we went….

The whole way Scarlett was crying in pain until she just fell asleep only to awoken when I hit a speedbump at the wrong angle.  She said her beck hurt, her head hurt and she couldn’t lift her chin upwards at all.  We wait.  We see the registration specialist.  We see the medication specialist.  Then the physician’s assistant comes in.  She checks Scarlett out.  Feels her neck, feels her head.  Scarlett is joking with the lady.  They rule out Meningitis but don’t know what’s causing her pain.  She gets a neck xray.  She gets an IV placed and they run bloodwork to test for infections.  She gets ibuprofen and Valum.  She gets another xray.  She gets a stuffed animal and about a dozen stickers. We’ve been there for 5 hours at this point and it’s 3am.  She doesn’t seem to be in as much pain but still no answers and Jeff & I are tired and irritable. We’re discharged and take her back to the van where she SCREAMS  in pain when we try to put her in a carseat.  I’m surprised that security doesn’t come around as it’s 3am in a dark parking lot with two adults and a child SCREAMING!  We manage to get her in only for her to say she has to pee.  I seriously contemplate just putting a diaper near her and dealing with the mess another day.  But we got the bucket in the back of the van out but there was no we were getting her back into a carseat so Jeff held her in the backseat all the way home.  She slept through the night and next morning.  Jeff took the day off of work, I took her to her doctor and still no real diagnosis except that it was likely muscular and to give her tylenol and ibuprofen for the pain but also reassured us that we were right to go to ER because if they didn’t have the reports from the ER they would have wanted to run them as well.  I’ve been trying to massage it for her and I can actually feel the heat from the inflamation in her muscles.  It’s been 4 days now and she is still very guarded with her movements.  I can’t brush her hair unless it is just washed as her head is too sensitive.  I haven;t taken her to dance class or to the Y as someone bumping into her sends her into pain.  In the mornings, she can’t get out of bed without rolling to her side and getting help.  I took her to the chiropractor and sure enough her spine was out of whack (technical terms) and she did regain some range of motion after one visit but we’ll be back for more treatments.  We don’t really know what caused her to become so out of align and in so much pain….hopefully she’s back to normal soon!

Less is More

Just days ago I wrote of decluttering and selling our outgrown and unused kid stuff. How apt that today, I read a wonderful blog article about how Less is More over at Simple Mom. Over the lsat year on our financial diet I have often said to myself that I am choosing to spend less so we can have more…more freedom to take an unpaid day off work, more money to take a vacation, more money to pay off debt. Now I need to get into the mindset that having less in my house (and in storage) is choosing more. Let’s see how we can do that with the holidays coming up!

Social Studies

As part of the alternative learning experience (aka Homeschooling) agreement with the public school system that October participates in, I have to provide documentation for what she is learning at home in each of the core subjects.  At my last meeting, the teacher asked what we were doing for social studies.  We did all the first grade state requirements for social studies last year as the kindergarten standards were sparse and boring.  This year we’ve been studying Ancient Civilizations as our Social Studies curriculum.  Nonetheless, I looked up the 1st and 2nd grade state standards for social studies and I realized something.  Kids that are not confined to a classroom all day and who are out in their communities visiting libraries, museums, parks and participating in various activities are already learning most of what the state sets as standards.  For example here are some of the 1st grade standards:

Understands that when individuals and families make choices about meeting their needs and wants, something is gained and something is given up.

Well duh….what parent hasn’t explained that if we spend all our money on toys we don’t have money for groceries.

Understands and creates family timelines to show events in a sequential manner.

Kids get and have been figuring out for awhile who was born first then next then next.

Understands how questions are used to find out information.

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?  Doesn’t the Why stage start about 3 years old and if you actually answer their questions they don’t ever stop asking why.

Here are some of the 2nd grade standards:

  • Understands the physical  characteristics of places in the community.
  • Understands and applies basic mapping elements such as symbols, compass rose, labels, and a key to read and construct maps that display information about neighborhoods or local communities.

Yes, if kids are out walking paths in their community they get where and what rivers are, lakes, marshes, etc and sometimes we even do follow maps to get places that have these characteristics as well.  And when we visit the zoo, October wants to read the map herself and guide us around which means learning how to read the map as we are also exploring the zoo.

  • Knows and follows school rules.  Participates in creating and upholding rules for the
    classroom community.  Demonstrate ways to be a good citizen at home and  at school.

Don’t the kids learn this every time we talk about how to behave at the library, at the fish hatchery, at the park, that we pick up our garbage, we respect others and property?

I’ll continue teaching about Ancient Civilizations and continue comparing and contrasting to our life now.  And maybe I’ll even learn about geochaching and take the kids out to further work on map reading skills.  Now that would be fun!

Cleaning & Memories

Since August, we have decluttered and cleaned most of our house.  I have gone through my own closet and drawers, Jeff his, I went through the kids room, I went through the bathroom, the book shelve area (aka “the library”), parts of the kitchen and then also a large portion of our storage unit as well.  Mostly becuase we had been remodeling the house and these things needed to be done.  Partly because it feels good to declutter.  When we finally put the bedrooms back with the bare minimum I liked the sparseness and openness of the room.  Since then I have organized, tagged and take kids items to the consignment sale I participate in.  It is always a bit hard to let go of the kids items and cute clothes.  For one they hold a lot of memories and two, it signals our decision (on most days) to be done having kids.  But there are a few items that hit me harder than others.  The items that I remember my mom purchased for October and the memories of the kids either wearing it or playing with it is not the driving emotional pull but rather it’s the memory of a different time and place.  A time and place where my parents lived in Michigan in the house that my dad built, a time when they could afford to buy their first grandchildren clothes and toys, a time they could come to visit….a time and place when my dad was here with us.  Some of the items I held onto longer than the kids ever played with them, a soft cover musical sesame street book for instance or stained long-sleeve onsie with matching pull-on purple pants.  As I organized for this consignment sale, I tried to let go and remember that the item itself wasn’t the memory and I should sell it.  I remember the show on TLC “Clean Sweep” with the folks having homes overflowing with stuff because they held onto stuff that reminded them of other things.  The host would always confront the homeowner asking if getting rid of the item was getting rid of the memory…which of course it wasn’t it.  And to look at the cost – sometimes actual dollars, sometimes emotional – of keeping stuff/clutter in your home.  I would often think of this when I was decluttering and cleaning and making a conscious effort to reduce our clutter.  If an item held an emotional attachment because I could remember this as a favorite toy or favorite outfit of mine and I could picture them in it or playing with it, I was more likely to keep it.  But if the item was simply a vehicle for my memory, I tried to let it go.  At the consignment sale last week, I sold the Sesame Street Soft Cover “Let’s Make Music” book that October got as baby from my mom.  It was a cute book, she did play with it but really that wasn’t why I held onto the book for so long.  And really, was I going to hold onto this book until I have grandchildren?  I’m sure it’d be ratty and no longer work.  I put it in the sale, it sold and I when I saw it sold, I instantly wished I had it back. Yet at the same time, I would have left it in storage and never remembered I had it while the emotional (and actual) cost of accumulating boxes of random stuff would have grown.  But today, I’ll admit I am a little sad to have sold it and a little glad that the old stained purple onsie outfit wasn’t fit for selling.
Let's Make Music (Sesame Beginnings Series)

Apple Pie

The girls and I went several times to Lewis Creek and climbing trees and picked the apples.  The picking was so much fun we would bring an entire bag full home and then eat 5-6 apples per day.  October wanted to make an apple pie so I set the girls up to bake their own apple pie.  Now, I don’t often remember to offer apple pie at lunch and Jeff had been eating it in the evening so October was rather upset when she learned that nearly all of her apple pie was gone.  Hence, the second apple pie.  The girls LOVED making the apple pies and with the exception of me helping them lift the pie crust into the pie pan and removing it from the oven, they made the entire pie themselves.  Used the apple pealer & slicer, made the pie crust from scratch, mixed the apples, rolled out the dough, filled the pie pan and cut holes in the top of the crust.  It was great to watch and they were SO proud of themselves. 

Choas ending….

Two weeks ago we got our new carpet.  We also got a new mattress for Jeff & I and a new bed and mattress for October.  However, before we got to that point we had to move everything out of the bedrooms.  We moved the kids beds into the living room while we sent our mattress to the dump and slept on the couches.  Our dresses went out on the porch….how refreshing to put on 40 degree underwear every morning.
The two toddler beds in the living room.  All of their toys are stacked in the far right corner.  October slept on a mattress on the floor and Jeff & I on the couches.
Dressers on the porch.

It took one Monday morning for the carpet to be installed.  The day before we took the old carpet, the old bathroom vanity and our mattress to the dump.  That evening I went and picked us out a new bed.  I’ve never had a new bed before but tossing it to the dump necessitates a speedy decision on getting a new one.  (So far I think I’m getting used to the new bed – its MUCH MUCH firmer).  The carpet is nice and soft on the tootsies.  We went the next day to get October a loft bed at IKEA.  I wasn’t even sure it would fit in the room due to the ceiling height but it’s worked out quite nicely with the toddler bunk beds underneath.

Master bedroom emptied.

Kids room emptied.  We bought the kids princess wall stickers to make up for the neutral colors.

New carpet!

New carpet in the master bedroom.

October’s new twin sized loft bed and the toddler beds below.  The loft bed is tall enough for me to walk under.

View of the other side of the room.
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