Now that summer is here we are out and about and doing lots of activities, I’m not really sure where October is memorizing all of her commercials from but it seems “the man on tv” [i.e. commercials] has been telling her lots of information.  This afternoon she was helping with dishes and suggested to me that I purchase the cleaning brush that is blue and you spray on and then you don’t even have to wipe it off; the little brushes do it for you.  I’m pretty sure she was describing scrubbin’ bubbles so somehow I think that might not work on dishes. 


While driving back from another adventure, Jeff took a drink from his Nalgene water bottle and October started emphatically telling us that daddy should not drink while he is driving.  That is was dangerous.  That is was unsafe.  And DADDY, DON’T DRINK!! IT’S NOT SAFE!!  She then repeated the tv commercial to us about the dangers of drinking and driving.  Hhmm… so we had to explain that drinking water was okay.  Drinking juice or pop was okay.  That drinking alcohol, like beer or wine, was not safe.  To which she asks for further explanation on why it is only beer or wine and not water.  Now what?  Explain the mechanics of alcohol to a 5 year old?  I explain that “drinking beer or wine can make your brain not work properly”.  Oh great!  As the words come out of my mouth I can only anticipate the next question, as to why mommy & daddy would want to drink something that makes your brain not work correctly.  I then quickly added “just like talking on your cell phone while you drive can make you distracted and your brain not think quickly.”  Hhmmm…I’m guessing there are more questions to come.

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