My dear Scarlett…

I may have met someone more clumsy than me….actually, I may have cooked her up and gave birth to her.  Recently, we were at the park and I mistakenly allowed Scarlett to carry something while walking.  Here’s the results of her face meeting cement while her hands were essentially pinned at her sides:

And then the scab, got big and puffy.  And just an hour before leaving the house for a family surprise (going to see Cars 2), I decided I should put some antiobotic cream on it to help it heal and make it less angry looking.  Then we left the house.  Actually, Jeff & the girls left the house while I trailed behind locking the door.  October, running returns and says Scarlett fell down the stairs and is bleeding.  I envision her fall from the balaconies onto the floor below.  I scream at October to stay in the house, grab Lavender from Jeff’s hands and strap her into her high chair and go back to frantically ask where she fell from.  Whew!  Not the fall I have been stessing over since October began walking the stairs but nonetheless, a good tumble down one flight that resulted in the ugly scab being ripped off, her face now bleeding, Jeff mopping it up with a pull-up that he had in his hand and us at home, while our movie has begun.  Here’s the results:

I was really craving some soda (aka pop) at the movie theatre.  It was good.  However, I would not recommend allowing children…who I would classify as NEVER drinking pop…to suck down the entire cup of sugary mix and then expect them to sit even relatively still.  Lesson learned.  Heading home with kids hopped up on sugar, it was decided that we should go to a playground and let them burn off some energy before expecting them to head off to bed.  Yeah, guess who fell??  Miss Scarlett, Miss Scarlett.  I do have it on video…please nominate me for mother of the year…which I will get to posting later.  Quite literally, she fell while standing still the other day.  I should probably invest in some scar creams; I see them used frequently in our future.

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1 Comment

  1. KHMama

    The upside is she doesn’t seem bothered by it. Mine are clumsy yet excessively cautious. If they ever had a fall like Scarlett’s, they’d be crying and freezing all facial activities for a week!

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