We’ve had some great September weather and I scheduled a field trip to one of the beaches in Seattle right on the Puget Sound.  We headed over to Alki Beach which was a half an hour drive or so to check out how the tide actually went out and hopefully see some tide pools.  I expected a rocky/coarse sand beach area that seems typical to the Seattle area.  I was quite surprised to find actual sand with a biking/jogging trail alongside the beach as well as beachfront resturants and patios’s lining the street.  It was like a different world!  And top it off with 80 degree weather in September and it made for a great day!  While we didn’t find any tide pools there were plenty of shells washed up on shore (I timed our visit for the tide to be out) and other sea life to be explored.  We also watched  ferry boats go back and forth and the girls dug a big hole.  Before we went, we read a book about the sea life found on beaches from the Cat and the Hat Learning Library – I’d recommend these books.  October loves them!  Then when we got home, I had the girls write a report on their field trip.  They each drew a picture of what they saw or did and with Scarlett’s I wrote down what she said and with October’s I wrote her words down and she copied them.  Did I say it was a great day!

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