Category: Kids (Page 4 of 4)

New Glasses

Scarlett got new glasses!  I really liked her old pair but her new pair are very cute as well.  They came in several color combinations so narrowing down the color she wanted was difficult.  They are larger on her face than her previous pair but I’m told that’s the style right now.  Plus, since she’ll have them for 2 years her face should grow nicely into them.

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Going Away Party

I debated for awhile on having going away party.  August seemed to be filled with social events and parties and it seemed making this circuit would allow us to say good-bye to everyone without having to plan, host or worry about a party.  I changed my mind when October asked me after one of these events if this was the last time she would see X.  Having a definite ending point, a going-away party, would be good for everyone.  It’s been long a time since we hosted a party and I’ve got to say I really miss hosting parties.  Somewhere along the long we just stopped hosting parties, sure, we’d host October’s birthday — but even that we avoided this year (Yeah, Indoor Skydiving!).  We hosted the party at a nearby park that we frequent that usually isn’t too busy and has a great circular bike path for the kids.  The weather was amazing…even hot.  The turn-out was good.  The opportunity to say good-bye was great.

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Shoe Shopping

Shoe shopping happens once a year here in our household.  It starts by pulling out all the kid shoes in the house and seeing who fits into what now, tossing those with holes and figuring out what each kid needs.  I take the girls to Famous Footwear and I need a drink about halfway through.  Maybe, Famous Footwear should start offering wine “tastings” along with their back-to-school sale??  It’d most likely end up in more money!  We start by each kid getting their feet measured.  Hey, don’t wear the name tag that says you’re a shoe fitting expert if you don’t want to actually measure feet!  Just saying.  Then each child proceeds to run/walk/crawl through what they believe to be their section of shoes, pulling out shoes that draw their attention, trying them on and then moving on to the next shoe.  As you can imagine this does result in quite a disaster….which I do try to mitigate and clean up but hey, maybe that wine tasting would be helpful for the shoe fitting “experts” as well.  I then try to corral one child and focus them on what kind of shoe they need in the price range I deem acceptable.  Lavender was fairly easy.  She needed tennis shoes and Scarlett quite happily found shoes with a “10” on the box, put them on Lavender’s feet and she refused to take them off.  Sold! Scarlett tried on a few pairs but she’s in that odd size of between toddler but a little too small for kids.  Nonetheless, she found every unacceptable shoe to try on (i.e. those with heels, seriously!) before I narrowed her to finding some dress shoes.  Until she found the cowboy boots in the boys clearance section.  Please, no one tell her they were in the boys section!  I was then informed that she was not taking them off her feet until I promised to buy them for her.  And she was damn cute but cowboy boots as your dress shoes in Spain?  argh!  I actually called Jeff to ask if I was crazy to let her pick cowboy boots.  He said she was expressing her individuality.  Then I moved on to helping October.  Did I mention the pitfall of her having too many choices?  The pair she really wanted wasn’t in her size and were in the “clearance” section (and if by clearance you mean $3 off, then yes, it was the clearance section!).  The dressy flats all had one issue or another so she moved onto dress boots.  She had a pair of brown Ugg’s, suede black, black leather with buckles, zippers AND ties, and one other similar suede black pair with a heel.  October melted down on how she liked them ALL and how could she decide.  She kinda liked this one, but she liked this one as well, OH!  Commence the rolling on the floor and shaking of the head over the decisions to be made.  She’s 8.  I intervened and said no to the Ugg’s and the pair with ties, buckles and zippers — we’d never leave the house!  She finally picked a very nice pair with an “excellent, rounded toe” as she explained.  October also needed tennis shoes and since I had just again learned my lesson of offering her too many choices, I picked three pairs that I thought wouldn’t make us look like obnoxious Americans (have you seen kids shoe styles recently??), that were the right price and a durable brand.  She chose a very nice blue pair of New Balance shoes.  No lights, no neon yellow, no studded sparkles.  I tried to explain to Jeff how shoe shopping goes with our three kids….he may just need to watch the surveillance videos.


Scarlett – cowboy boots






Yeah – she got lights and studded sparkles.


The complete cowgirl outfit!


Summer Days

The weather here this summer has been great.  And since coming back from our road trip we’ve been very busy packing but we’ve had some time to get outside and enjoy the pool, the beach and friends!


Friends preparring for a week at camp.

Family photo op before camp.


Pig Roast!


Pig Roast hosts!


Birthday Games!


Birthday games!

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Why swim in the actual lake when you can make a big mud puddle??


Post-mud puddle swim

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Good friends!


Learning to Hula Hoop!

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Scarlett  – 0ff the diving board!


October off the diving board!


Homemade slip & slide!



I started packing up my bedroom!  I pulled everything out of the closets and drawers and made piles of donate, definitely won’t take to Spain but will store and those clothes in the running for making the trip to Spain.  While I thought the sorting and organizing my clothes was a bit cumbersome, it was nothing compared to sorting the kids clothes!


Here is the current pile of clothes for Lavender for the year in Spain.  Is this enough?  Really, I have no idea.  But sorting and organizing was a HUGE ordeal.  So I needed to weed out stained and torn clothing…easy.  Then I needed to see what fit currently and what had the potential to fit through the year.  Then I needed to estimate what may fit kids when we returned and not only guess if it would fit but if it would fit in the correct season.  Lavender is fitting in a lot of size 5 clothes but so is Scarlett.  And Scarlett isn’t completely into size 6 yet and October isn’t completely out of size 7 yet.  Whew!  Just sitting there thinking about it is making  your head swim!  So finally, I made a bucket for each size – 5,6 & 7 and a large pile of donation for size 4 clothes.  So anything that is a size 4 and isn’t traveling with us just needs to go to donation, as it won’t fit anyone when we return.  And size 5 spring clothes most likely needs to go as well since it will be almost fall when we return.  I started this process with Lavender and worked my way up but really it would have been more efficient to go the opposite direction.  October would have tried on her clothes, anything that didn’t fit would move to Scarlett.  If it fit Scarlett then in the drawer it went, if not then in the box for storage.  And so and so on.  In the end, I spent a day on sorting and organizing clothes.  I have three large garbage bags for donation (all going to Eastside Baby Corner) which really seems like a lot to pull out of the kids room.  But, really it’s already been said we have too much stuff!  Including clothes.  I picked the clothes for Lavender for Spain, I had Scarlett make a few choices and I let October make a lot more choices!  Which was awful.  She quickly realized that clothes she didn’t choose to travel with us would be too small for her when we returned and she had a meltdown.  She’d weigh how much she already had a chance to wear the clothes, how much of a chance she’d have to fit into when she returned and what she might want to wear in Spain.  I quickly realized I had given her too many choices and too much involvement in the process.


The kids now have a basket each (and a few hanging items) to wear between now and when we leave.  I’ve got a bag of clothes for each kid destined for Spain set aside and all the other clothes have gone to storage or donation.  I’m digging the no dressers (they are in storage already) and just a bucket of clothes.  No drawers left open or half crammed shut.




After month’s of struggling to brush Scarlett’s hair and many, many tears shed, she got her hair cut.  It used to be that I could just run my fingers through her hair and consider it “brushed.”  Maybe her hair texture changed from baby hair to kid hair, I don’t know, but it was getting to be that I would only brush it after a bath and then on days she didn’t have a bath I’d just pull it back (without brushing) into a pony tail and keep it there until she had a bath.  I tried different detanglers and different shampoo’s but nothing seemed to work.  So although she wanted to grow her hair the longest in the family, I told her she was getting it cut right after Christmas.  And we did.  It looks SO much nicer now than the unbrushed, tangled mess and we no longer have to be in tears every morning!


At the store, right before her haircut.
Before the haircut.
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