While camping outside of Mt. Rainier, Lavender took off running after her sisters only to stumble, catch herself, stumble in the opposite direction, catch herself and then do a header right into the rough, cracked pavement at the campground.  I saw her go down.  I quickly swooped her up hoping that she had all of her teeth still.  Jeff was off paying for our campsite (the last one for MILES) and I thought it would be just our luck that after searching for an hour and half to find a campsite that we would have to leave for the ER instead.  Luckily, no trip to the ER and Lavender was back to chasing around her sisters in no time.  She was however, very worse for the wear.

The bump on her forhead is from the header into the pavement, the gash next to her nose is a result of her sisters fingernail to her face at tot watch the day before.

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