I dropped Jeff off at the airport this morning and drove into the city for work – normally I take the bus so while sitting in traffic I thought of a few interesting Trip Facts.

2,465: Total Miles Traveled
10: Number of states we passed through (MI, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY, MT, ID, WA)
2 ½ : Pounds of trail mix Amanda consumed – hey I was using it for breakfast & lunch!
15: Number of times we stopped for gas.
$2.45: Highest price we paid for gas – Bellevue, Washington
$2.11: Lowest price we paid for gas – Sundance, Wyoming
4: Rolls of Sweet tarts we ate.
16: Hours of Books on Tape/CD we listened to.
5:00pm (EST): Original target for our departure on Thursday, March 31st
2:20pm (EST): Time we left Kalamazoo, MI on Friday, April 1st
2:20pm (PST): Time we arrived in Bellevue, WA on Tuesday, April 6th
8:00am (PST): Time Amanda started work on Wednesday, April 7th
3: Number of KOA Kampground Kabins (we stayed 1 night in a Motel 6).
A Gazillion: Number of times Amanda stopped to use the rest stops or gas stations.
1: Number of times Amanda just had to go on the side of the road because there were no restrooms and she couldn’t wait.
$160: Amount of new car rack parts for the “Clearance” snafu.
60: Minimum number of day before we see each other again.
20+ : Number of times I kissed Jeff goodbye this morning – definitely classifying as “PDA” in the airport. He has another hour & half before his flight departs.

Hope all is well – I’m looking forward to a relaxing night. Maybe a movie and head to bed early… after going to my favorite Mexican restaurant for the 2x time!


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